On Thursday, MEPs from the Committee on Foreign affairs adopted the annual report 2024 on human rights and democracy in the world and EU policy.
MEPs stress that respect for, and the protection and fulfilment of, human rights and fundamental freedoms that are universal and indivisible must be the cornerstone of the EU's external policy, in accordance with its founding principles. They call on the EU to continue developing and reinforcing the instruments and procedures at the EU’s disposal to promote and defend human rights and democracy worldwide. MEPs welcome the extension of the EU action plan on human rights and democracy until 2027 in order for it to align it with the current Multiannual Financial Framework cycle, although they believe there is room for improvement, such as the manner in which Human Rights Dialogues are carried out, as well as their effectiveness. They also reiterate their call for international agreements to not only integrate human rights assessments and include robust clauses on human rights but also to actively monitor whether these clauses are properly respected internationally.
The EU must be prepared to counter the increasing violations of the universality of human rights, democracy and international humanitarian law across the world, according to MEPs. They note with deep concern the ongoing international crisis of accountability and the challenge of ending impunity for violations of core norms of international human rights and humanitarian law.
They strongly underline the importance of the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (GHRSR - EU Magnitsky Act) , as well as democracy support activities and EU support for human rights defenders (HRDs) across the world, highlighting their concern over the continued restriction of civil society spaces and increasing threats to the work of HRDs, including transnational threats .
They also stress the utmost importance of all UN and humanitarian aid agencies being able to provide assistance to all people in vulnerable situations, and denounce attempts to undermine UN agencies delivering humanitarian aid during armed conflicts as well support for international independent and impartial jurisdictional institutions.
Responding to universal human rights and democracy challenges
The report examines a wide range of challenges to human rights, including women’s and child's rights, gender equality, LGBTIQ+ persons’ rights, people with disabilities, refugees and migrants. It highlights the direct effects climate change has on the ability of different groups to enjoy their human rights and calls for the protection of indigenous activists.
MEPs also urge progress towards the universal abolition of the death penalty and condemn the legalising of torture and other degrading and inhumane treatment or punishment methods.
The text analyses the state of media and academic freedom, freedom of expression and right to public participation, and emphasises the need to respect human rights in the context of new technologies, particularly artificial intelligence. The internet should be a place where freedom of expression prevails, MEPs conclude, but the rights of individuals need to be respected.
The 2024 annual report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter was adopted on Thursday by Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs by 49 votes for, 15 against and 11 abstentions.
Rapporteur Isabel Wiseler-Lima (EPP, Luxembourg) said after the vote: "We acknowledge the geopolitical and digital upheavals reshaping the global landscape. These challenges underscore the pressing need to defend and uphold democracy and human rights more than ever. In a world of constant change, safeguarding these shared principles is not just an obligation, but a fundamental prerequisite to protect human dignity and ensure a future where people are not subject to authoritarianism but can instead enjoy freedom."
Background and next steps
Parliament's annual report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy on the matter analyses the results of the Union's policy and the challenges it subsequently faces. The report will now be put to a vote in the European Parliament as a whole.