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MEPs demand a strong, reinforced and separate European Social Fund Plus post-2027

, Людмила Калъпчиева

Излъчване: Tuida News | European Community | преди 3 седмици | 66

European Parliament

Additional resources would support vulnerable people and social investments

MEPs oppose changes in the fund’s governance and structure, to protect its social priorities

The fund helps member states, regions and local communities in tackling social challenges

On Wednesday, the Employment and Social Affairs Committee called for a reinforced European Social Fund Plus post-2027 to better support the EU’s social dimension.

The report, setting out MEPs’ input for the upcoming discussion on the budget of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), was adopted with 42 votes in favour, 3 votes against, and with 8 abstentions. According to the adopted text, the proposed reinforcement for the post-2027 fund should support people in vulnerable situations, invest in people and skills, help lift people out of poverty, and boost social investment and social entrepreneurship.

The ESF+ supports member states, regions and local communities to strengthen the EU’s social dimension. It aims to tackle social challenges such as the consequences of climate change, digitalisation, decent working conditions, and the rising cost of living.

No split of the ESF+

MEPs are concerned about attempts to split or merge the ESF+ with other funds, as they believe this could seriously hamper its ability to reach its objectives and the objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Any remodelling of the fund must not detract from its effectiveness and purpose, which is promoting employment, social inclusion, education and training.

Governance of the fund

The governance model of the ESF+ should remain a shared management governance model, MEPs say, as a different one could lead to the loss of priority given to social aspects. The ESF+ governance model should allow national, regional, and local specificities to be properly reflected in ESF+ operational programmes.

Crisis situations

MEPs are disappointed that the ESF+ has been repeatedly used in the past as an emergency response tool. Instead, social emergencies and crises could be better addressed through a financial reserve instruments. They call on the Commission to protect its budget allocation so the fund can be used to fulfil its main objectives and reach its beneficiaries properly.


Marit Maij (S&D, NL), rapporteur of the report, said: “Today we sent a strong message: the ESF + is indispensable and should continue to exist as an autonomous fund. We demand more budget to make a real difference for people in poverty and people without perspective – those who need our support the most. Children, women, migrant workers and the long-term unemployed should not be left behind. I will fight until this is secured.”

Next steps

The Parliament will vote on the draft report in the March plenary session.


The ESF+ is the EU’s main instrument for investing in people and supporting the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. With a budget of €142.7 billion for the period 2021-2027, it contributes to the EU’s employment, social, education and skills policies, including structural reforms in these areas.